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Celebrating 18 years of Fancy Tiger Crafts!

Wow! What a year it has been! 

We are very excited to be hosting our 18th anniversary in our new (and very cute, if we do say so ourselves!) storefront at 3421 S. Broadway, Englewood CO!
If you have not yet been into the new shop, please consider joining us for our party Saturday, July 20th, 2024 from 11am to 6pm! We promise that it will be a fun packed day celebrating all things Fancy Tiger Crafts- including but not limited to our famous goodie bags, brand new, limited edition, anniversary t-shirts, free gifts, treats, libations, and more! We can't wait!

Of course, we could not have made it this far without all of you, our beloved and loyal customers and friends. We so greatly appreciate all of the support that you give us on a regular basis- be it by shopping with us, coming to Tuesday night Craft Night, attending classes and help nights, or even just interacting with our posts on social media, we see you, we thank you! 

This year has been particularly challenging in some new and unexpected ways! For one thing, the main thing, we realized that remaining in our old space at first and Broadway in Baker was no longer feasible (more on that HERE), and made the difficult, EXPENSIVE, and gigantic decision to move. While we are absolutely loving our new space, our new neighborhood, and are certainly getting back into the swing of things, 2024 has probably been our most challenging year yet. Moving our storefront has allowed us to reduce our overhead costs- namely rent and payroll by approximately 50% each- but the cost of doing business has continued to rise steeply in many other aspects, and coupled with the cost of the move, 60-100k in total, it has in honesty, and with all things considered, left Fancy Tiger Crafts still struggling to make ends meet. Who’s to say when a big transition, such as our move, is completely “settled”? We are certainly not experts on the matter! But we do know that as things currently stand, business has definitely not returned to normal, or even reached where we had hopefully predicted it might be by this point in the year. We are still welcoming familiar faces regularly who say, “this is my first time visiting your new location!”

With all of this in mind, it is with hope, determination, and gratitude that we are “re-launching” our GofundMe Campaign

Hope that we will be celebrating our 19th anniversary this time next July, determination that with your help we can make it, and gratitude for all that you've already done and continually do. These funds will be used to continue to help us recoup the cost of our move, and add to our working capital budget to keep our shelves stocked with all of the good stuff more regularly. 

Not to mention that when you support us, Fancy Tiger Crafts, you are supporting an independent, six (6) person, employee owned cooperative! Every member of our cooperative is not just an employee; we are sewists, knitters, fiber artists, and human beings working hard everyday to keep Fancy Tiger Crafts alive and to offer you the community, quality supplies, classes, and knowledge that you have come to expect from us. As well as create an equitable and vibrant work environment, offering progressive wages and benefits to all employees. When you support us, you're investing in a collective dream of fostering creativity and supporting local micro-communities- we think that’s worth celebrating, and think you probably agree!

We have already raised $10,306 of our original $50,000 goal! Let’s get it to $20,00 by the end of this month, $30,000 by the end of August?! Let’s go!

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