Karusellen Horse Hat
It's always an exciting time of year when the fall knitting magazines start coming out. Cool weather! Wool! Knitting! I love getting inspired by new patterns and the Fall 2015 Pom Pom did not disappoint. In addition to a beautiful textured jacket using our own Heirloom Romney yarn, I have several new things added to my queue. I decided to start with the smallest project: Karusellen! That's right - a horse hat!
Pattern: Karusellen by Erica Smith from Fall 2015 Pom Pom
Yarn: Shelter in Tallow (main color) and Homemade Jam
Size Made: Small (18 1/2")
Modifications: none
This adorable colorwork hat uses the wooly, tweedy, textural Shelter yarn by Brooklyn Tweed. BT just came out with several new colors of Shelter, so I was excited to incorporate the pale buttery yellow, Tallow for the main color of my hat. I wanted the horses to really pop so I used the saturated berry-purple, Homemade Jam as my second color. It turned out great.
The colorwork chart was easy to work with just the two colors and was a nice colorwork practice piece for me to hone my skills. I blocked the hat by soaking it for quite a bit in hot water and then lightly fulling the yarn to let the stitches really meld together - I love the finished look this gives to colorwork knits.
Horses and a pom pom?! Winning!
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